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Privacy Policy

nopsie is specifically designed with your privacy in mind, unlike other similar services which collect everything for purposes like ad personalization.

We only collect the bare minimum we need to provide the service and to gather some basic, anonymous analytics, and we never sell or give out your data to third parties.


When you create a poll, we store the following information:

– Poll name

– Poll options

– Poll creation date

– Poll expiry date (at the moment this cannot be changed by the user, and it is set to 2 weeks from creation date)


When you answer to a poll, we store the following information:

– Your chosen name

– Poll options you voted for


After your poll expires, we schedule it for deletion, which means anonymizing all user-submitted information. After deletion we only keep storing the unique ID of the poll (to avoid duplicates), its creation and expiry date (for analytics purposes) and the amount of answers it got (for analytics purposes).


When you visit and navigate on the site, we may collect technical details about your browser for analytics purposes. We use Fathom Analytics (support us by using this link to sign up), which is a privacy-friendly analytics service. You can read more about their privacy compliance here.


How can the service remain free without a business plan or ads?

Running a site like this is more like a hobby, and it’s really not expensive to run such a service. We expire data after a while, so data storage doesn’t cost much. The website itself is very lightweight to host. If the costs were to ever grow too large, we would probably seek a sponsor, or something.


How can I contact you?

You can email feedback, questions and other comments to

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